传动轴英文-传动轴的英文是什么?Transmission shaft
Transmission shaft这就是传动轴英文的全拼,传动轴的英文还是比较长的,一般做外贸的朋友比较熟悉。整理了一些传动轴英文的句子方便大家阅读
1、 传动轴连接变速器的主轴或输出轴,并与后桥上的差速器相连接。
It connects the transmission main,or output,shaft to the differential at the rear axles.

2、 万向传动装置一般由万向节和万向节传动轴组成。
Generally,a cardan drive consists of cardan joints and the cardan shaft
3、 该高速动车组的双联式虎克万向节传动轴,均匀传递转矩和旋转运动。
The dual units type Hookes cardan shaft of EMUS can transfer equably torque and rotating motion.
4、 当两传动轴旋转时需改变方向时,采用锥齿轮是一种十分有用的方法。
Bevel gears are useful when the direction of a shaft’s rotation needs to be changed.
5、 所述转子通过转子法兰盘安装在汽车传动轴上。
Hence,the countershaft and all its rigidly connected gears are in motion whenever the drive shaft revolves.
The rotor is mounted on the drive shaft of the automobile via the flange plate of the rotor.
6、 电动机传动轴和小齿轮
Motor-drive shaft and pinio
A lubricating oil pump shaft and a cam transmission shaft are respectively sheathed in series in two inner cavities.
Going into the gearbox,universal joints connect the centre drive shaft to the internal bevel gears.

The utility model is mainly applied in metering pump driving axle of spinning equipment.
Abstract:design principle and mechanical feature of transfer storage mechanism in transmission shaft automatic welding assembly line has been introduced,some questions in the design have been mentioned and also analysed in detail,and applied effect has been illustrated.
Agricultural tractors and machinery-Power take-off drive shafts and position of power-input connection